Christmas Accessories

What is the “Ideal” Number of Christmas Ornaments for Your Tree?

No matter how old we may get, there can be nothing more gleeful and enjoyable than decorating a gorgeous tree each Christmas season. It is the most fulfilling, hopeful and beautiful experience for every family, isn’t it?

But often we get so mesmerized by the process that we tend to overdo or under decorate the tree. The fact is that the right number of ornaments can make a whole lot of difference to the character, style and personality of your tree.

You will find many interior designers teaching us how they place tabletop decorations onto the branches of the trees as a fabulous technique. While it’s great to let your imagination run free, it is also best to learn correct placement and correct number of ornaments for your tree type.

The Correct Number of Ornaments


Most of us are pros in setting up a Christmas tree, whether real or artificial. But not all of us are experts at judging how many ornaments would suffice. To judge this accurately, you must first note the size of your tree. Also remember that there isn’t really accurate figure for ornaments: you have to rely on your eyes to tell you whether a tree looks loaded, underdone or just perfect.

You also must note the size of the ornaments you have, when judging how many are enough. The fact is that the amounts of ornaments that are appropriate for a tree depend on the width and height of the tree, on the size of ornaments and on the preference and style.

Here is a simple guide that will help you judge whether or not you have put enough ornaments on your tree:

  • For a tree that is nine feet tall or even taller, we believe adding fifteen to twenty ornaments per foot are more than enough.
  • For a tree that is less than nine feet, you must not let the ornaments exceed beyond ten to fifteen. Also ensure that they are standard sized ornaments.

Another great technique for balancing the character, depth and visual appeal of your tree with ornaments is to vary their sizes. Also do not cluster all of your ornaments in select portions of the tree because that looks truly awful.

The best way of decorating with ornaments is to spread them across the entire tree area. As an estimate, let us show you the sizes of ornaments that expert decorators used for a tree that was 12’ tall.

  • They used eighteen finial of 5 to 8’ size
  • They used eighteen finial of 4 to 7’ size
  • They used thirty-six round ornaments of size 6’
  • They used forty-eight round ornaments of size 4.75’
  • They used forty-eight round ornaments of size 4’
  • They used forty-eight round ornaments of size 3’

The Best Way to Hang Your Ornaments

The right approach for hanging your ornaments have greatly impact the final effect. You should start hanging your very precious ornaments first. They’re the ones you want visitors to notice first when they look at your tree.

Then hang the larger ornaments next and ensure there is even spacing in between. Next, run a keen eye when you’re in the process of decorating. Try to note which spaces you need to fill in with medium or smaller ornaments to balance the density.

Christmas Accessories

Three ways to instantly make any gift Christmassy

There is nothing like receiving some exceptional gift for the Christmas season, but getting the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones can be a daunting task. You have to think of the ideal gift for the season, the price, and a lot more things to consider for getting the perfect Christmas present.

We often forget that we can get anything at all for a present and make it look as Christmassy as possible. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant; after all, the only thing that matters is the intention. All you have to do is make it have the best Christmas look you can. To help you out this season, here are some awesome ideas on how to make any gift, Christmassy.

Paper Poinsettia Gift Wrap

You can make any gift Christmas worthy with just the right kind of packaging. Sometimes all you need is a touch of red in the packaging and its go. But this time, your packaging is going to include something a little more interesting, a Poinsettia design.

Poinsettias have a deep-rooted history in Christmas and adding a design looking like the poinsettias flower makes it a perfect Christmas present.

Homemade Gingerbread Pear Loaf

Who says you have to get every Christmas present form the shop? You can simply get your neighbor a homemade baked gingerbread pear loaf. Everyone loves food, especially in the Christmas season. To make it more Christmassy, you can dress the loaf pan with some strip of parchment paper, a few vintage Christmas ornaments, and some tinsel, and you are good to go.

Cross Stitch Ornament Gift

For those crafty ones, this is your moment. You can make a very personalized gift with your hands. All you need to do is stitch up an adorable Christmas motif. You can use an assortment of Christmas colors to signify the season. Red, green, and gold are a perfect fit.

Christmas Accessories


Over time, experiences teach a lot of people that if one is not careful while removing the flocking, the branches of the Christmas tree has a high tendency to break and fall off. Also, when one is not careful, it could damage the tree, and the various decorations fixed on it.

To avoid these unpleasant possibilities, different methods now make it safe to remove the flocking from your flocked Christmas trees without breaking the branches. Follow this step-by-step guide to do this task successfully.

  • At first, consider removing all decoration from the Christmas tree and sorting them in different boxes according to types and sizes. 
  • Remember to store them in a box that has soft foam or feathers so it could be dry and so that it can last longer. 
  • Remove all electrical appliances on the Christmas tree, including the Christmas lights. This is done to avoid damages of the electrical appliances and also to avoid broken decorations.
  • You can wait for the Christmas tree flocking to dry. It will be like white dust falling off the tree. 
  • To help the Christmas tree flocking flake off faster, you can shake the tree a bit, and all of it will land on the floor. 
  • From there, it is easy to clean up with a broom or a vacuum, and it will stay reasonably neat.

Another fast and safe way is to brush off as much as you can carefully with your hands or with a very soft and big hairbrush. Then you dampen a cloth with acetone nail polish remover.

 Firstly, rub the fabric over a tiny hidden branch to look for any adverse reaction. If found to be safe to use on the flocked Christmas tree, rub the cloth over all the branches to dissolve the remaining flocking.

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Christmas Accessories Christmas Trees

Best Ways to Store Your Artificial Christmas Tree

It’s that time of year again. Christmas is over and now it’s time to put away all of the holiday decorations, including your Christmas tree. You might be dreading packing away your Christmas tree and be tempted to leave it up until February. Depending on the tree, disassembling your artificial Christmas tree should be an easy feat. The real question is, where should you store it once it’s disassembled? 

Remove All Ornaments

If you want all your ornaments to remain intact, be sure to put them away and store them properly before you start to disassemble your tree. Wrap any delicate Christmas ornaments in a towel or use napkins and a shoebox for safekeeping. 

Remove the Lights

If your Christmas tree is not prelit – make sure you detangle any string lights and remove them. Unplug and stretch out each strand to make sure the wires are straight. You can then start wrapping the lights around a napkin tube or empty Christmas wrapping paper roll. This is a great way to keep them from getting damaged or tangled. 

If your tree is prelit, this is the time to check for any burned out bulbs. Start at the top of the tree and make your way down to the bottom. Carefully remove the burned-out bulbs. You can replace them now, or at the beginning of the next holiday season. 

Disassemble Your Tree

Now is the time to disassemble your tree. Many artificial Christmas trees will be easy to take apart as they only come in 2-3 pieces. Take out the sections starting from the top and place them on the ground one by one. If your tree is lit with removable plugs, make sure to find the plugs and remove them first before removing the tree sections. 

Once your sections are on the floor, you can now compact the branches together. Be careful of the lights and cords and don’t force sections to bend the wrong way. 

Store the Tree

Some trees will arrive in a box or a storage bag. The original packaging could be used for storage but cardboard could be inviting to mold or mice. It’s better to store your tree in a canvas bag or large storage container. 

Keep your tree somewhere dry and clean. Try to place it in an area where it won’t get knocked over and can be placed horizontally out of the way. 

Follow along with Christmas Farmer here

Christmas Accessories

Reasons to Buy Flocked Artificial Christmas Trees

Flocked Artificial Christmas Trees have become a household name during the holiday season. But what is the hype around them all about? There is something about these trees that brings out the awe in people. Most probably the white branches that offer an appealing and eye-catchy design to the home, or the fact that the whole tree screams Merry Christmas immediately you step into the house. The point is, this tree is irresistible to everyone. Remember to check the lifespan when buying Flocked Artificial Christmas Trees. Also, you may need to secure a cool and dry spot for it, which makes it a bit disadvantageous to those living where the climate isn’t consistent. All the same, the tree is fantastic. Here are some of the reasons why you need to buy it for Christmas: 


This is one tree that gets everyone who is visiting your home talking. A lot of people love the sight of snow during the holidays. So, what if you bring this sight nearer to them – inside the house. Some people appreciate the classy look that the white color has. On the other hand, others love how displaying ornaments on the tree appears. 

It blends properly with ornaments and is easy to design 

You won’t run short of ideas when using this tree. Whether you want to design it through twisting a few branches or want to add ornaments, the opportunities are endless. Besides, as mentioned earlier, decorations appear bright and colorful when placed on the tree. You can easily make your holiday the perfect one by combining all your creativity using this artificial tree. 

Creates a theme to follow 

Not everyone is excellent in art and designs. In case you fall under this category, worry not, Flocked Artificial Christmas Trees come to your rescue. With an elegant white theme, you can easily blend all of your decorations using the exact color. To avoid color clashing and monotony, you can employ the services of a professional interior décor artist. 

Final thoughts 

Flocked Artificial Christmas Trees will, in the near future, dominate every home. Don’t be left out this holiday season when everyone’s house is irresistibly beautiful. 

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You can shop Flocked Artifical Christmas Trees here

Christmas Accessories

Glass Ornaments: All You Need to Know

It is getting to be about that time of year when people start to consider what they are going to do to decorate for the holidays. One of the best trends that have been around for years, actually since the mid-1800s, is using glass ornaments on trees. Glass ornaments are becoming more popular now as people realize just how much detail these little ornaments can give their tree.

They are Built to Last

Glass ornaments are not something that you purchase one year and then toss the next. These ornaments are built to last. It is not uncommon to find glass ornaments that were made in the early 1900’s today! That just shows how built to last they are, when they are taken care of. 

They do Require Care

Since these are ornaments that are made from glass, they are not going to be something that you simply throw into a box and wait to use the next year. They do have to be packaged with care in order to be stored properly. This means:

  • Wrapping each individual ornaments
  • Placing these into a box that will not allow the ornaments to touch 
  • Ensuring that adequate staffing is in the box to prevent shifting

Also, you have to worry about where you are storing these as condensation is known to ruin these ornaments, resulting in paint peeling and other issues. 

Hang with Care

When hanging these glass ornaments on your tree, you are going to want to do this with care. These should never be hung on the tips of the branches. If you do this, you are going to risk them falling. Instead, be sure that they are hanging at least mid-way on the branch and on a strong branch that can support the weight. This will help to prevent any accidents from these ornaments falling and hitting the floor. 

They are Gorgeous

One of the main reasons that so many people are considering glass ornaments is that they are simply gorgeous. They have detail and reflect the light in a way that the plastic ornaments simply cannot compete with.  They bring sophistication to many decor themes, which is what many people are trying to create.

For those who are still on the fence about glass ornaments, they will find that these are gorgeous and they cannot go wrong with them. While they may need a bit more care, this will pay off in the long run!

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You can shop fantastic Glass Ornaments here